You Are Not Alone
Did you know that 19.86% of U.S. adults are experiencing a mental illness? That’s almost 50 million Americans! 1
More than half (56%) of those adults receive no treatment. That is more than 27 million individuals experiencing mental illness that are going untreated – mainly because they cannot afford it. (See how you, in partnership with Footnotes Trauma Foundation and Footnotes Counseling Services can help with that.)2
In addition, the Commonwealth Fund reports on their website that “not everyone who experiences mental health symptoms goes to see a doctor. As a result, many psychiatric conditions may go undiagnosed and untreated.” 3
Know that if you have been diagnosed with or struggle deeply with a mental disorder
There are 2 meanings I would like to point out: There are many who can understand how much of a struggle daily life can be – who think similar to you – who feel similar to the ways you do! It is estimated that 1 out of every 5 Americans has a mental disorder. You are not alone. There are many potential individuals to talk to! 4
In faith terms – God is always with you! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Struggling with the symptoms related to mental health difficulties can be a very difficult thing to deal with. Suddenly you may be living your life with new medications, sometimes even a new lifestyle. But with God, your faith, new-found friends, and the help of a good therapist, walking this journey (long-term or short-term) can be successful.
How do you find people to walk that journey with you? Footnotes Family Counseling Services (FFCS) can help! Through quality trauma-informed counseling such as FFCS, in-person support groups, Facebook Groups, church groups, online blogs such as this, and many other resources.
Who am I? I am a previous patient of FFCS who cares very much about the work that FFCS does. They helped me, I want to help others through them. I volunteered to help, so here I am!
What credentials do I have to write this? Absolutely none. I am a normal person with a trauma-based mental-health diagnosis who is living her life – some days successfully, some days not so successfully. I want to share my thoughts and ideas about how I live my life, which may help you in yours. Or in many cases, I may show you how I would have lived my life differently if I would have thought more about it before I lived it. This blog is meant to provide honest encouragement, hope, inspiration, fortitude, and hopefully a little encouragement and enrichment to your faith.
I have a husband, 2 kids, 3 grandkids, 2 dogs, 12 fish and numerous snails. I work full-time in corporate America, am a Geek who loves websites and creative writing, and have a mental illness. In essence, I am just unique little me, doing something good to encourage others to also encourage others. I hope that what I provide here in this blog will be helpful to you. Hope to see you soon to help strengthen and encourage you so that even when you feel alone or are physically alone, you can grow in your strength and certainly know that you are never alone.
-Never Alone
1 Quoted from “Adult Data 2022.” Mental Health America,
2 Quoted from “Adult Data 2022.” Mental Health America,
3 Quoted from “Common Wealth Fund”